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ARS 2018 Tours and Convention Registration

Alert!   Registration Closed, Mar. 15
All Payments were Due Fri., Mar. 30


Here is where we stand at the close of Registration:

Number Registered

People Single Rooms Double Rooms Capacity*
Pre-Tour 1, Holland Max. is 48 41 3 19 40 to 48 people
Pre-Tour 2, Germany 45 3 21 100 people max
Pre-Tour 3, Denmark-Sweden FULL 62 8 27 62 people max
Convention in Bremen, Germany 123 17 53 200 people max
Post-Tour, Finland FULL 45 3 21 25 to 45 people

* When we reach a maximum, registration for that tour is closed.

Summary: We have 12 from Australia, 18 from Canada, 2 from the Denmark, 3 from Finland, 1 from France, 2 from Iceland, 9 from the Japan, 5 from the New Zealand, 1 from Norway, 2 from the Russia, 4 from the UK, and 66 from the US. That is GREAT!!!!

All registration was handled by the North American Registrars.

All registration was handled by the North American registrars for both North America and Europe and anywhere else in the world. All fees were charged into Euros. Europeans had the opion to pay the ARS Chapters and DRG directly. For North Americans and others, we used a secure online PayPal billing system that billed the correct amount in our local currency to our credit card. For those unable to make payments online, we had an alternative where we came up with an amount in your currency and you could mail a check or money order in your currency to the registrars and it ws converted into Euros and deposited into a convention bank account in Euros. For assistance contact the Registrars.

What is included:

The following is the pricing for the optional tours and Convention. Note: the tours are optional, the Convention is not. If you booked adjacent tours, there are no gaps. Rooms are priced per person for double occupancy and single occupancy. Registration is offered on a first come, first served basis. Some tours are full. Others are filliing up. To avoid problems, get your reservation in early.

The double pricing is based on double rooms with double occupancy. Pricing is per person

For people desiring single rooms with single occupancy, use the single price.

Payment information depending upon their itinerary will be sent each registrant.

Add all desired

Pre-Tour 1

Pre-Tour 2

Pre-Tour 3

in Bremen



May 7-12

May 12-14


May 20-27

May 27-31








1,018 € double
1,325 € single†

292 € double
398 € single†

1,236* € double
1,730* € single†

1,855 € double
2,279 € single†

1,325 € double
1,547 € single†


Amsterdam, Neth.

Bremen, Germany

Bremen, Germany

Bremen, Germany

Bremen, Germany


G=Garden Tours

May  7,            D,H
May  8, B,G,L, D,H
May  9, B,G,L,D,H
May 10,B,G,L,D,H
May 11,B,G,L,D,H
May 12,B,G,L,     

May 12,            H
May 13,B,G,      H
May 14,B,G,L,       

May 13,            H*
May 1H4,B,G,L,    H
May 15,B,G,L,D,
May 16,B,G,L,    H
May 17,B,G,L,    H
May 18,B,G,L,    H
May 19,B,G,L,    H
May 20,B,G,L,       

May 20             H
May 21,B,      D,H
May 22,B,S,L,D,H
May 23,B,G,L,D,H
May 24,B,G,L,D,H
May 25,B,S,L,D,H
May 26,B,G,L,D,H
May 27,B,               

Train to Hamburg
Plane to Helsinki

May 27,              H
May 28,B,G,L,D,H
May 29,B,G,L,D,H
May 30,B,G,L,    H
May 31,B,             


Bremen, Germany

Bremen, Germany

Bremen, Germany

Bremen, Germany

Helsinki, Finland

* Those on both the German Pre-Tour 2 and the Danish-Swedish Pre-Tour 3 will receive a 70 € credit per person double and a 140 € credit single for the night of May 13. The Danish-Swedish Pre-Tour 3 starts with an overnight in Bremen on the 13th before leaving for Denmark on the morning of the 14th with a stop at Hachmann's Nursery en route. The duplication of hotel and meals shown in the chart will not actually occur, instead there will be the credit.

† Double means per person double occupancy. Single means per person single occupancy.

†† If choices are not contiguous, you must arrange your own lodging the missing nights.  If you would like
travel agent assistance arranging additional lodging or booking your flight, indicate under remarks.

Included: The meals, activities, and lodging that are included with each tour are listed. Also, see options, gardens, speakers, and hotels for more information.

One or two forms per room: Basically registration is to first reserve a room and second to pick tours. Hence, each registration form should be for one person or two people sharing a room and the same tours. If the tours are different, they can still share a room but must register separately as "roommates." If two people want to share a room but pay separately, they must fill out two separate registration forms as "roommates."

Couples: Couples and people traveling together may use one form for both travelers. Check "bill for both" and supply "Name1" and "Name2".

Roommates: Roommates have the option of registering separately. Check "bill separately" and be sure to let us know the name of your roommate (Name 2).

Singles: Singles may reserve a single room and pay the higher per person fee. Check "Single Room".

One Registration Form: The one page registration form suffices for all tours. It may be filled out on your computer and then either sent electronically to the registrar or printed and mailed or FAXed. Copies will be forwarded to the various European Chapters and the DRG.

Do Not Put A Credit Card Number On Your Form! It requests the name on your credit card, but not the number. This is so we can match up the payment with the registration. If you "Send Electronically", the form is actually emailed to the registrars. Never put a credit card number in an email.

Non-ARS-Members and members of other rhododendron or azalea societies are invited to register. For "Chapter" put non-ARS.

Billing/Payment: Within approximately 48 hours you should have receivee a confirmation and instructions on how to make a secure payment. After your registration is confirmed, payment may be made by credit card either online or by phone or by FAX, or by check or money order in €(Euros). Payment is expected within 14 days of billing. A processing fee will be added for payments made by check. Never put a credit card number in an email.

IBAN Discount: Europeans with access to IBAN transfers can save over 5%. Add "IBAN" in the "Remarks" field. IBAN payments must be made to each ARS Chapter and the DRG for the tours you are taking. This avoids the expenses of currency conversion and bank transfers from the US.

Cancellation Policy: Get Travel Insurance! Refunds (less fees) will only be made if a replacement is found. The prices are rock bottom, so there is no money for refunds once your choices are paid for. We will gladly let someone else take your place.

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ARS 2018 Convention Overview and Registration - Fall 2017 JARS

Dutch Pre-Convention Tour - Summer 2017 JARS (Itinerary & Map)

German Pre-Convention Tour - Fall 2017 JARS (Itinerary & Map)

Danish & Swedish Pre-Convention Tour - Fall 2017 JARS (Itinerary & Map)

Convention Gardens Tours and Lectures - Fall 2017 JARS (Itinerary & Map)

Finnish Post-Convention Tour - Spring 2017 JARS (Itinerary & Map)

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Last Updated: February 12, 2020