The Scottish Rhododendron Society Welsh Garden Tour

Tour Schedule

Tour Registration

Hotel Booking

Click here for Garden Descriptions

2018 Spring Garden Tour of North, West & South Wales:
Sunday 22nd – Sunday 29th April 2018

Inexplicably, it is quite rare to have the opportunity to participate in a Tour Group visit to see the Rhododendron Gardens of Wales; indeed, it is almost twenty years since the S.R.S. organized a tour to the gardens of South Wales. There are many interesting and historic gardens to be seen in Wales and this Tour encompasses a great selection of gardens of differing ages, styles and plantings; some private and opened especially for our visit, and others open to the public during the main season for a limited period. This is your opportunity to see some remarkable gardens with a group of very sociable members who enjoy a wide variety of plants and trees.  

We are planning to visit 12 gardens on this tour.  The registration fee covers coach hire with driver, admission charges, 4 lunches, conducted tours, Welsh Highland Rail Fare, plus refreshments at several gardens. We are using five hotels for this Tour as the gardens are well spread out over the length of the Tour. There are separate forms for tour registration and hotel booking.

Please note that this is a first come first served event and the Tour Group has been limited to 30 persons in total so a prompt reply is recommended.

Click here for Garden Descriptions

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Last Updated: July 27, 2017